Jun 26, 2009

Chobot Came!!!!!!

Hey guys,Chobot was on a little after Vayerman and Hiki came! People kept crowding him saying rain rain rain! And then he said I cant make it rain(Only Developers Can Make It Rain) then he asked Canab to come on and Chobot said he might then he left, I never only Developers could only make it rain lol. :)

Hiki's 100 B-Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was Hiki's 100 B-Day Party!!!! It was awesome! It rained Ballons and a lot of love shirts!!! I can't wait til Hiki's 200 B-Day lol!

Jun 24, 2009

Where's Mimo? :)

Hey guys,after the party there was a cool mimo party! there was a lot rains from canab there too!
and here's a game I like to call find that chobot im going to post famous chobots in crowds every week! This game is called ''Wheres Mimo''? :)

The 500 Followers Party!!!

This Was The Chobots Blogs Awesome 500 Follower Party!!!! It rained Expand Magic,Green Ballons,and a 500 Shirt just for the party!!!! Sorry i didn't take any pics about the party i just didnt want to lag alot and srry if u weren't there! ~plunder

New Clothes Today!

Theres some new Clothes today!!! Check it out!!! Theres also a new cloth for non citizens! Remember don't miss the 500 Followers Party! ;)

Jun 23, 2009

Come To The Chobots Blog 500 Follower Party!!

Ghoni's (Kinda) Welcome Back Party!!!

Hey guys! Heres a story too tell ''I was looking at my blog then i went on chobots, i wondered where everyone was then i went underground then Ghoni was their and people were saying ''don't go!!'' And he was about too quit because of his parents but then....his parents said Ghoni could stay woohoo im glad you didnt quit Ghoni :) ~plunder

Ghoni's Party!!!!!

This was Ghoni's Party!!!! But I didnt see Ghoni :( I wish he was their but there were cool rains and lots of cool magic it rained...magic,ballons,love shirts,peace shirts,and a i.o.u tommorrow there will be the 500 follower party don' miss it! :)

Chistochob Is back!!!

Chistochob is back!!!!! And ready for us to clean up the city!!! so get ur a mop or broom!!! lol. ~plunder

Jun 22, 2009

Joey's 100th B-Day Party!!!


Jun 21, 2009

Hiki's Mask Party!

Hiki's Party was wild!!! Vayerman came after a while it rain like 100 magic at the most lol it was awesome!!!!!.
Then we played some checkers then she left it was awesome!

This was canab's awesome party!!!! it rained only citizen magic but it was still awesome!!!

Jun 20, 2009

Checkers Contest!

This is the results right now for the checker contest! I hope my Friend cookies67 wins! And I wish the best of luck to everyone else! :)
Chopix is back!And he needs are help! There are Nicho Spys all over in citys on Chobots! so lets take em down!!!! lol

My First Design!

This is a design i did!!!! I think it looks cool! I call it ''The American Outfit'' sorry about the shoes there not apart of it, comment and tell me what you think!

My Drawing Of Princess!!!

This is a picture I drew a of Princess shes a awesome friend and a awesome Agent!! :D

Say Cheese!!!

I was in cafe street and i decided to take a picture and thats how i was crowded and all those smileies were there :) lol. and im the 1 circled in red. ~plunder

New Mask Coming!


Awesome Agent!

FISHLATATE IS AWESOME CHECK OUT HIS BLOG!!! At http://fishalategang.blogspot.com/

Awesome Drawing!!!!

Weird and awesome drawing by gypman142!!!!!! its looks sooooooooooo awesome!!! nice work!

My Wardrobe!

This is my wardrobe i think i have too much clothes do u think so? lol!

Jun 13, 2009

Chobot is gone.....forever (It was a fake twitter) :D

Today I found out that..... Chobot has quit Chobots for another job, how could he quit? and which other job? this is a mystery....for now.~plunder

For pruff check here- http://twitter.com/chobotmod ~Dear lie Chobot,the best

Chobot ever.... Ok guys ignore the stuff above it was a fake twitter hes not quiting at all yay!

11 days!!?!?!?

Sorry i haven't been posting but today I decided to put a tracker about chobot and chobot hasn't been on for 11 days!!! wow thats alot!

Jun 7, 2009

Dancing Party and Piersy99's B day Party!

It was so much fun! I didn't get to be in the dance contest but i got to see hiki's house and i got to see it rain! It rained Unity shirts,Love shirts,and Love shirts in all different colors. ~Plunder

P.S. Happy B-Day Piersy99!

Jun 6, 2009


Hey guys i was thinking about asking moonkee about cool parties we could have this summer or year! So let me here your best ideas even if u think their stupid i would still to see them it still might be interesting when i get some of your ideas (by commenting below) I will send moonkee or hikikmori a message then they could maybe ask the chobots headquarters and it might be able to happen! so plz let me hear your ideas.:)~Plunder

Age Zero Party!

The Age Zero Party was so much fun,Smurfet was their and it rained Nicho Masks and Cholo Shirts! It was very green lol it turns out that we might have parties every Saturday! how cool would that be? VERY lol.~Plunder